Normally the first thing in the morning I think about... 'Damn it's dark, could really those Vin Diesel eyes from Pitch Black', followed by my normal morning routine.
Would never stub my toes with those bad boys.
-Stealth round the house so I don't wake up the Grinc.... I mean, love you babe (dodged that one) :O
-Trying to wake up as kettle boils
-Drink water and take vitamin D3 and fish oils
Then pretty much get myself together and off to see my awesome clients!
Wait, no breakfast? Nope, never really feel like it at 5.15am if I'm honest. So I prepare something called Overnight oats. Stodgy yumminess I can have once I have seen my first few clients and my stomach starts growling at me.
What you need
- Porridge Oats (80g)
- Total Greek yogurt (80g)
- Apple Sauce (80g)
- Protein powder (30g)
- Almond Milk (80ml)
Quick video on Instagram:
Nice and simple, you mix it together. Put it in the fridge and it's good to go for the next morning. I'll normally make a few days worth in one go to save my evenings.
The Macro nutrient breakdown is as follows
Kcal- 318
Carbs- 37
Fats- 7
Fibre- 3
Pretty solid.
You can change around the ratios, these are just what I like. You can also add other ingredients. You're a bit nutty, peanut butter in here would be just your thing!
Let me know what you think.