When it comes to getting the most out of your training there are few variables out there that are more important to your progress then just doing more work.
Adding more sets, reps, weight, work done in a set time period will all help to increase your maximum recoverable variable (MRV). This is basically how much your body can handle in the gym while recovering and not burning out.
So how do we increase this MRV if this is going to help you get stronger, more athletic and look better Nekkid
So if we increase our MRV it give us the capacity to, with the required technique, hit higher numbers in our lifts. Or for general lifting, whether you are a 9 to 5 worker, IT guy or coffee shop Barista (if you are, we should hang out and talk how great coffee is!) You can get better by simply doing more work.
We can manipulate a few different factors to help us increase this MRV, I personally like programming more sets at a given weight. As an example;
Week 1- 2 sets of 12
Week 2-3- 3 sets of 10
Week 4- 4 sets of 8
If you kept the weight the same throughout, lets use an 100kg Deadlift for example.
Week 1, 100 x 2 x 12 equates to 2400kg
Weeks 2-3, 100 x 3 x 10 equates to 3000kg
Week 4, 100 x 4 x 8 equates to 3200kg
So even without adding more weight to bar you are simply doing more work.
I like this approach as it give you time to adjust to the weight used. You can bump up the weight of course as well if you find what you are doing too easy. But increasing this over time will allow to longer progress in the given movement.
Other variables include increasing the weight lifted on the bar. If you could squat say 60kg for a set of 5 before and can now do 65kg for a set of 5. Then you have made progress High five
If you area a bit pushed for time or feel a little sadistic then maybe some tempo work could be for you. This can be done by either setting a timer, say for 10 minutes and then completing as many sets of 3-6 as possible in that time. Why 3-6? Well I find going much higher and technique can break down and lower than 3 people go to heavy. I still want to build volume, so 3-6 it is. Or EMOM’s. No, not emojicons but rather Every Minute On the Minute work sets, once again set a timer and every time you get to the next minute complete another set. So whenever that second hand on the clock hits the top you go… This gets real hard real quick.
How I feel are EMOM's
I hope this helps give you some ideas on why and how you should increase your work volume.
If this has made or wrecked your day, let me know